I will do much better at keeping my blog current, resulting in more visitors. Because who wants to visit if theres nothing to read or look at. Mid term and work have kept me quite busy, Iam so exhausted when I get home. Well the camera is a dream and I will share just some of my early shots. I have a a few new weekly goals to help me get more done and keep my creativity flowing here they are
1. Do 1-2 challenges a week
2. Create a card everyday
3. At least 1-2 layouts a week
4. Squeeze out 2 projects month
that should keep be MOVING, MOVING, thats a song I keep thinking of and cant remember anything else about the song!
So a little self portrait session with MWHA!

Can you say CUTTLEBUG!! I created this tin box to store my embossing templates, I now have 10, used 1.

My standing stamp of the month card for this month( love how lisa of lisascreativecorner.blogspot.com angles her pics, they look so nice and professional.
So I copied, lets say its one of my photography lessons for May. Thanks Lisa!

I wont bombard you with to much, more later I PROMISE.
PS... I have blog candy for Sparkle, Lisa and Cathy Nell, ladies please excuse my lateness. Please send me your snail mail addie and I will mail out your sweet treats!!!