Crazy 4 challenges Sponser this week is Sparkle Creations, she has 2 of her adorable stamps to give away! I used a Sparkle Creation stamp which I won back in December! I was so happy, I was jumping around about it and telling my husband that I won and he was looking at me like I was a crazy person. Men just dont get it!

Isnt he the cutest? Sparkles stamps are perfect for coloring, I really like to color. I always had tons of coloring books when I was a little girl and who could resist a new box of crayons? Once when I was about 19 we took a family vacation and I made sure I picked up a few coloring books and new crayons for the trip. Every body colored on the trip from the 8 year all the way up to the 36 year old. Coloring is so relaxing.
Well heres the LOOT!

A Marvey punch
A Close t my Heart acrylic stamp set
A recollection acrylic stamp set
2 never been used Cuttle Bug folders
A recollections dimensional halloween sticker pack
A pack of every occasion rub ons
A love themed chipboard pack
A pack of premade Karen Foster thank you note cards
A big mound of Unity unmounted stamps
A cd tin with a alterable album inside
Heres the dealy on how to enter for a chance to win. The give away is open until 4/30
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