I know that I have been slow to post but its hard to get back in the groove of posting on my regular 3-4 days a week thing. I am really going to make a effort. I hope my followers havent given up on me completely. I know how it is to check a blog regularly and nothing new is up, you give up and stop coming by. I hope that your still around and understand.
Todays card says it all....

This is the state of my room, its been this way for a couple of months. I cleaned it and it went right back to this, this is probably why I have not stamped or posted much. Theres stuff piled in almost every corner, this is not movtivating at all. I have taken on alot this fall and I have to organize my schedule and time to create and do what I ENJOY.

There are ALOT of new stamps on this desk waiting to be inked, some Unity,Ooberly cute Halloween dollar stamps, and 2 Inkadinkado stamps!

Until next time my friends