Hello there in Blog Land!!! Didnt mean to be away so long, I have things downloaded to share but just couldnt get on the computer to post, my youngest sons computer monitor went out and I had to share my laptop for a few days. I intended to get on late at night and post when he wasnt on, BUT he stays on the computer from the minute he rises to well after I in bed. So here Iam, FINALLY!
Heres some Changito luv:) Luv this paper pack from CTMH!

We took a ride to Hollywood last week, havent been there in ages. The kids have never walked the Blvd. so off we went. Fun, such memories of me and the husband cruising or walking the blvd when we were younger,not much changed still a bunch of strange people. Didnt get home until after 2AM, take a look.....
The infamous Grauemanns Mann Chinese Theater, man the history here.

Will Smith. Luv his script next to my sons feet, he also wants to Change The World.

Did I tell you I was a huge Michael Jackson fan!! I was so sad for days, not as sad as when princess Di passed but sad. I sometimes dont like how sensitive my heart is things really effect me. Okay my first concert was The Jackson 5, I was 13. Had no idea what to expect at a concert, but once he hit the stage I lost it. I remember the energy as if it happened last week. Posters on my wall,cassett tapes in my walkman, listened to him on the way to school and on the way home.Penny loafers and high water pants and dont forget the white socks. Saw Mike 3 times in my life time. Took my little sister to her 1st concert to see Michael Jackson she was 8,rented a limo! pretty darn good seats too!

I wont bombard you with too many today, I know you came here to see art:) I will share more on that trip later.
This journey still continues, so much FUN.

Picture taken by my sweet boy, he is in a summer photography class. Pretty good dont you think?