Sunday, November 27, 2011

Card Tricks Pink, Black and White style

Iam sure you have all noticed the delay in post, Once again we are down a computer and I am once again sharing with my youngest son. The last computer crash I shared with my oldest son. I should have the mother of the year award and receive a VERY large gift. Its a drag not having access to my laptop when I want, I am so far behind on techy things like my blog and just keeping up with my favorite bloggers. Maybe Santa will brings some new computers to my house this Christmas! Keeping this short on my way out to dinner with the Mr. Did any of you hit the Black Friday sales, I didnt I was fast asleep all cozy and warm. Thats the same place I am every year :)If you did I hope you found some AWESOME deals!

Here are a few cards for once of my classes that I will be teaching at Michaels next month.